Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Ideal Community

Again, we're all participating in the creation of community. What are your dreams? What does your ideal community embody? What would you like to see?

So, this is what I dream of in an ideal community:

In an ideal community, each person finds they have a place. They can be as participatory or non-participatory as they want ..

There is movement towards light : not the light of light - vs-dark duality; but the light of clarity, love, connectedness, support, acknowledgement. the light in which each person moves towards being more authentic, accepted as s/he is, while this is happening

There is leadership without leaders - where each person can take a leadership role as the flow of communion goes by.

There is a sense of ownership without attachment - where each person plays a role, but is not restricted/defined by it.

There is transparency without loss of self-defined privacy - this again I see as a movement as we lose our fear and step out of our shells, knowing the shell is there for safe harbor, and respecting when the other needs to withdraw.

There is open communication of decisions - where people with roles like cultivator, director, moderator, tech team, all take timely decisive action when necessary, but communicate it in a timely fashion to those affected by it. The glow circle is a case in point; but I hope this discussion doesn't become about that alone.

Above all, there is light! Light-heartedness in all its connotations.

And that gets rid of my disquiet. It is, after all, within me. No one outside ourselves can remove our disquiet. But we can. Is there really anyone OUTside?

Here's a light ball. Catch!

sandy : Activist and Ambassador

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

sandy said Mar 25, 2008, 4:28 AM:

Well -it does “feel” like you catch it when you click on -
but I expected it to “rotate” -somehow.
would look nice as a spinning ball ,wouldn't it !

~Kes : be cause

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

~Kes said Mar 25, 2008, 5:01 AM:

You are this IDEAL and we are starting to help wear the boots in the sky with you.

It is good to add the PURPOSE to the new people too. I have found that to be ideal to orient and bring out the best and watch things flower.

My ideal is to keep my mind on the mountain no matter what I am climbing towards on my goals and it helps focus the ideal. It is great to help out on pods like this as the ideal is we get a chance to be on the front page and attract amazing expansions.

1Vector3 : "Relentless Wisdom"

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

1Vector3 said Mar 26, 2008, 8:15 PM:

Tears are dripping on my keyboard. Baaaaad for keyboard…….

Meenakshi, you have outdone yourself. This might be the best thread ever on the whole site. We shall see.

Wow. Wow.

I am trying to think of more to add. Everything you said is so right on !!!!!!

Taking off from what ~KES added, we could phrase that this way:

Everyone is so deeply aware of and aligned with the Purpose of the community that their lives and ways of living automatically express and further that purpose. (This makes the community feel like HOME to them.)

Everyone is aware of, and at peace with, the fact that communities evolve and change, and members come and go. Every member desires to leave the community better than when they arrived, and takes responsibility to see that happen.

There are clear guidelines for interacting among members, that are totally expressive of and furthering of the Purpose, and members agree to be open to feedback about when they have departed from the guidelines.

These guidelines for interacting include agreements on how decisions will be madewhich affect the group, what decision-making processes will be used, and for which kinds of decisions each will be used.

For me, the absolutely ideal community sees itself as involved in a network of communities, who communicate and enrich one another.

For me, the absolutely ideal community sees itself as expression of a much Bigger Picture, which could be called God, or the Universe, or the evolution of the Planet, or the Kosmos, and its Purpose and Culture are consciously expressive of a Vision of what the Bigger Picture is wanting to express through and as the community.

The culture of the community is strong enough, clear enough, and evolved enough, that human foibles, neuroses, shadows, etc. can be handled in ways that are growthful for all concerned.

I'll probably think of more later. Actually statements that would fit in this thread are scattered throughout the site. As we run across them we can cross-post here.

Thank you for your dream, Meenakshi. Expressing it like this will indeed go a long way toward its manifestation in your reality, and ours.

In the Love We Are, OM Bastet

Canary Mary : Quite Contrary

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

Canary Mary said Mar 27, 2008, 10:31 PM:

I present to each of you a chance to walk that talk!

You see that ad above with the red voting box? How timely is it that you can simply vote online to support the co-creation of an ideal community— just by voting for 4 communuty projects online?

And it just so happens that a dear friend of mine, Imre Kepes, is one of the candidates who could win grant money for his worthy project, Community Vision Project. Please click that red box and consider voting for CVP as just one of your 4!

I can personally testify that Holyoke, the city where the project will be implemented, is a very needy, impoverished area populated with disenfranchised people of color. I know because I have woked those streets as a social worker on the “front lines” for many years. It is a community crying out for the projects that Imre will implement.

Imre has proven his commitment to Holyoke youth, families and community for many years. He has facilitated great community projects there that really tap into the dreams and talents of youth. If he wins, he will do such a great job empowering youth, greening up spaces and building community along the way. He will also hire my husband as a health and IT consultant and we may even get to offer some Laughter Yoga in Spanish for the first time!

Please consider voting for Community Vision Project! Thank you.


Canary Mary : Quite Contrary

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

Canary Mary said Mar 27, 2008, 11:01 PM:

here ya go, in case you did not see the red box!

Canary Mary : Quite Contrary

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

Canary Mary said Mar 28, 2008, 11:24 PM:

I am sorry if I dampened the fires here with my posts. I was excited about the uncanny opportunity of voting to help support others make positive change in the US. It is a unique initiative that Gaia is partnering with which is so synchronistic for me because a dear friend of mine is one of the candidates–and I had no idea Gaia was tuned into it! I suppose Gaia paid a pretty penny for that box which looks like a wonder bread ad but is a truly cool thing, especially if your 4 votes end up being the 4 that are chosen to be granted 25k, you can then direct $2,500 to a charity of your choice. Good job, Gaia!

 Meenakshi : ~

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

Meenakshi said Mar 29, 2008, 3:27 AM:

Mary, I don’t think you’ve dampened any fires! I’d say you’ve shown your idea of an ideal community- engaged and active. I tried to go to the page, and got so many authentication and privacy alerts from my browser, that I decided to try later. Will do so now, with scripts disabled and see if it’s better.

OK, done. Thanks.

sandy : Activist and Ambassador

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

sandy said Apr 7, 2008, 7:05 AM:

Global Greetings~

Posted on Apr 7th, 2008 by sandy : Australian Activist sandy in GLOBAL PEACE POD

Greetings everyone ~please feel welcome to join in our Global Peace Pod here at Gaia. Though still in construction stage~you can help grow the pod and spread the seeds of peace.

Zet White : Alive again

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

Zet White said Apr 7, 2008, 5:07 PM:

Disquiet, hm? Disquiet about what, Meenakshi?…

As for ideal community - it depends on the purpose of the community. What is the purpose of the community you describe? And… of the current Gaia?..

I have had a couple of thoughts recently. I confess I thought about leaving the “WIE?” (what is enlightenment) pod. It just seems to contain so much words about very little. It seems like a group of people, myself included, get together and chattering on about something they know little about and that probably has little relevance to their life. I mean… Who cares what is enlightenment if it's as far from us as we from it?

I think the old masters were wise. They observed. Tai-chi (Tibetian Kung-Fu?) was born out of the appreciation of a battle between a heron and a snake. The wisdom on which philosophy of today is based started in contemplation of nature, of life, started in apprehensive meditation. Honestly, how much wiser do we become by debating philosophy online?

Correct me if I'm wrong, and I probably am.. But a lot of online (and “real”) communication seems to go on just for the sake of communication. It's nice to talk nicely to all the nice people on Gaia… I love this sense of camraderie here! I do! But for some reason I feel that something is wrong. It is WRONG to be “addicted” to internet AND to Gaia, as I've seen some proudly declare.

I want Gaia to tell me: dear Zet, next week there will be a “free hugs” action around the world, care to join? Or: it's “lights off” international action this Sunday, so join the world and save some energy! I want internet community to be a very DIRECT path into a real/physical community. Where LOCAL people get to find each other and meet up faster, and then as groups/local communities communicate with other groups around the world which are too far to meet physically. Why make hundreds of friends on Gaia while your very neighbour is sitting at home, lonely, possibly even hungry, in need of your support and love? To what extent is Gaia, at the same time as helping and inspiring, actually preventing us from going out and doing good “out there”, to our neighbour and our neighbourhood?

I want to see more action. I want to do more action. I want to be inspired, no, actually, I want to be almost pressured into real action by my online community! If I joined, and if I agreed to get newsletters, then I don't mind being bombed with invitations to wreak havoc to the dreadful status quo in hundreds of conscious ways possible. In fact, I ask to be bombed by such invitations! And I ask to be able to do the same.

I want a community of quite direct and visible action, not just philosophy and mild “conscious capitalist” promotion (which I think is great, but insufficient) and fun and engaging chat to replace evening TV (which I don't watch any more). So here's to my note above to you Meenakshi about the purpose of the community. I guess what I just said means I want a community with “action” as its primary purpose. Is Gaia like that? Will it be like that? I don't know.

I'm not saying other kinds of communities are bad
. I love YOUR community, too. I like the idea of a unanimously productive community, the ideal behind (oh my…) fascism or communism. I like the idea of a unanimously spiritual community, like a group of monks. I like creative communities, too, where dancing, drama, roleplaying etc. are the central theme (purpose). Etc. etc. I like Gaia community, however it is described. My point is, I want something that is lacking as far as I know online - an “international+local action” community. I believe Gaia can be one. But it just doesn't quite feel like it is. Yet. It's certainly a community. But… what is its purpose?

Does this touch upon your “disquiet”, Meenakshi, or are are “disquiets” different here?..

 Meenakshi : ~

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

Meenakshi said Apr 8, 2008, 8:05 PM:


You have raised some interesting points; and asked a question as well:

Z- “Disquiet, hm? Disquiet about what, Meenakshi?…”

Ah, I let it hang there; and you are so alert, you found it, and also were empathic enough to ask. The disquiet that brought about this reflection [talk also, and not action, I'm afraid!] was borne out of a change in the glow circle we'd been discussing here; and my feeling that the Ambassadors should've been told about it in advance. I no longer have that disquiet. I feel this teaches us anew to be light on our feet, and dance on the waves of change.

Our disquiet is probably different, which to my thinking is wonderful as it underlies what I will say below.

Z: I want Gaia to tell me: dear Zet, next week there will be a “free hugs” action around the world, care to join? Or: it's “lights off” international action this Sunday, so join the world and save some energy! I want internet community to be a very DIRECT path into a real/physical community.

One of the things I sense with your post, and also others who feel impatient at the talk and less action; and I'm sure of myself as well at times, is that we talk of the Gaia community, as if it was made up of a homogenous group of people. It is not. Actually I know you know that as well; but perhaps what you'd like to see is people having the same perspective.

I actually love the roundedness we get as a community from the different perspectives, qualities, desires, requirements, needs, possibilities we bring here. All the pods I belong to, the friends I have, bring a whiff of something different, unusual, new, and that is what I value so much. If people around me are here to teach me, I want to be shown something I haven't seen before [which is why I value your disquiet as different from mine] [if it is so!!!].

If those around me are indeed a reflection of me, then I love the wonder of seeing my differing facets. Keeps me from getting bored. If you are getting that way, then I truly feel it's time to get out and adventure, seek new places ON Gaia, new friends, even those who don't at first resonate with you. It'll bring a newness. I personally have read Sandy's posts and Dave's, both wishing for more action -orientation for members.

Three getting together…that's something you could start action around!

As for wanting action; I believe not all members share the actions they do, outside Gaia, within Gaia. There are several reasons for that; as mundane as slow internet connections, as tough as difficulty in expression or as noble as not wanting to blow their own trumpet [though I wish they would!] And of course, not all believe in activism.

I also feel we as a Gaia community, are still in toddlerhood; and the field is open to going any way each of us wants.

Why not do what you like to do? Why wait for the team to start a Q and R? Couldn't you do this, on a pod, as well?

You know Zet, as the oft-quoted saying goes, It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness. I would add that I don't think you are cursing, but that you are voicing a disquiet. if you do it with the full force of your expanded self, that will turn to intent and intent to action.

I look forward to watching what you are doing, with great joy…as I find in communicating thoughts, ideas, dreams, worries, wishes and so on with my various friends.

Zet White : Alive again

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

Zet White said Apr 7, 2008, 5:16 PM:

Oh, actually, instead of (in addition to) Questions-and-Reflections, I want daily Action-and-Reactions suggestions. For example: tomorrow (today) you can go find a local homeless beggar and talk to him/her about his life, and ask if he could make use of any of the old useless stuff you were about to throw away.
Tomorrow you could blow up a baloon, write an important message on it, and give it to someone, take it around with you, or tie it to a visible place.
Today you can buy/pick a flower and give it to a sad stranger or friend/neighbour.
Today you can write a happy poem for someone who you know would like it.

Etc. Etc.

Is that so difficult to organise?.. I would appreciate this very much.


Nicole : wakingdreamer

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

Nicole said Apr 7, 2008, 8:22 PM:

love it! too much navel gazing iMO… myself probably more than many of you. want to get up and do something.

love to you all,


1Vector3 : "Relentless Wisdom"

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

1Vector3 said Apr 8, 2008, 9:31 AM:

I agree Zet White, everything depends on purpose. The ideal community structure and processes will totally vary with differing purposes. My earlier post, for example, was assuming a local, essentially residential community whose purpose was some service to the larger world.

I like the suggestion for a daily Actions that anyone can do. I think there are already Groups here with that focus on do-able individual and small-group, local actions, more than one Group, but I can't name specifics at the moment, don't recall any names.

My perspective is that actions proceed from consciousness, so for me, my purpose is partly, to raise consciousness so that actions will flow naturally. Actions without the consciousness that makes them natural, authentic expressions of that consciousness, are not going to change the world, IMO.

I agree that lots of discussions on the site do not seem, to me, to have the effect or purpose of actually raising or expanding the consciousness of the participants. OTOH some of them might seem abstract to some people yet really are extremely deeply personally consciousness-raising for the folks involved. And some of these seemingly uselessly abstract discussions are really attempts to find aligned people and move forward on co-created projects that then emerge as results of the alignment. There is a “getting aligned” phase, first, that can seem abstract and navel-gazing, but it's not.

If a purpose is as broad and far-reaching as Gaia's stated purpose, which is to (I am going from memory) facilitate and support people who want to change the world, then its structure and processes will reflect that. I can understand the wish for the Gaia Community to speak as one voice on matters affecting the world, but I see that as beyond the present scope.

That scope could be redefined, but for now,supporting/facilitating/encouraging/inspiring people who then change the world as individuals and groups is a VERY DIFFERENT PURPOSE from actually being a single voice or entity out there doing the changing. DIfferent needs, different functions, different processes. The community is not set up with personnel or structures or functions to support both at this time, IMO.

In fact what I just said is imprecise. I see the purpose of Gaia Community, as stated, is to provide a space and functions and processes and culture in which people who seek to improve the world can support, facilitate, encourage, inspire one another, and can synergize into collaborations of ACTION. But the action itself is not the purpose of the community AS IT IS PRESENTLY capable of.

Dave, are you reading this? It's relevant to your attempts to move the actions of the Community toward “one voice,” and my take on why that seems so difficult. There are many who have criticized the community for not being action-oriented enough, and many who wish it would be more action-oriented, as a whole. I'm offering another perspective about that.

Division of labor is a good thing. IMO it is not optimally productive to insist that one entity do more than its special specific purpose. If Gaia Community is a space-provider, then some other online community, and/or some subgroups of Gaia Community, are the ACT-ers. Division of labor. Specialists are experts and tend to do their jobs well.

Of course, there must be room for generalists in the overall planetary project. Otherwise, I am out of a job. LOL !!!!

Thanks for sparking my two cents' worth.

Namaste, OM Bastet

Siona : Synchronicity Coordinator

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

Siona said Apr 8, 2008, 5:43 PM:


This was so, so beautifully put. Thank you.

I'll confess that I've wandered along the spectrum myself—traipsing from action-oriented idealism that had me camping in the White House lawn to meditative retreats that removed me from all human interaction—and that I've wrestled myself with the comparative value of both action and being.

I've come to believe not so much that it's foolish to compare the two (and I don't believe anyone here is doing that) but that the two interdepend. A determined refusal to take action is as foolish, if not dangerous, as mindlessly (re)acting, and vice versa.

Your clarification of the role of this community (if not community in general!) is beautiful, though. Gaia is a special (and, to my mind, quite rare) sort of a social networking site—one that honors and encourages deep dialogue and inner discovery, and that encourages encouragement and support and self-learning in a community of others committed to reflecting rather than reacting.

I'd take it a step further, though. What if I were to offer that perhaps “mere” conversation DOES change the world? After all, those of us who are here, talking and engaging and wondering and wandering are NOT doing something else; we're not, say, driving, or watching television, or playing video games, or fighting, or shopping, or curled up alone feeling misunderstood. We're connecting to each other.

And what if the whole world connected more? If I've had conversations with people in another country and if I've “shared space” with them in a kind and open-hearted way, I'm going to understand more why they believe what they do, or that they too have families and children and homes and passions.

To my mind, it's important not to overlook the fact that discussion, itself, is a doing, and that it has value unto its own, just as the practice of meditation both teaches us how to be more present and aware of our reactions, and, too, has a value in and of itself.

Can I quote one of my new latest heroes? Peter Russell , in his book, The Global Brain, has a chapter on synergy.

“…in social groups, synergy represents the extent to which the activities of the individual support the group as a whole. Anthropologists studying primitive tribal systems have found that groups high in synergy tend to be low in conflict and aggression, both between individuals and between individuals and the group. This does not mean that such societies are full of 'do-gooders' desperately trying to help each other; rather, they are societies in which the social and psychological structures are such that the activity of the individual is naturally in tune with the needs of others and the needs of the group.”

I think this is important… and it feels to me (and this is just a sense that comes from being here!) that Gaia Community is playing a role in increasing the synergy of this culture. We're practicing connection, and understanding, and that strange indefinable of resonance with others. And what we learn here, I feel, does affect how we hold ourselves in the world as a whole.

Nicole : wakingdreamer

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

Nicole said Apr 9, 2008, 4:33 AM:

Dear Siona, i would very much like to believe that just interacting here does change the world. it certainly affects us, our inner worlds.

there are many things that could be discussed here, but i would just like to bring up two points that are very much on my heart and mind.

one is that there is a downside to all this inter-relating. many of us are addicted to it, and that is not a good thing. also, the heavy flirtation that often goes on in the groups, through comments on blogs and shout outs as well as private messages, can so quickly devolve to jealousy, heartache, depression and breaking of friendships.

the second point is that talking is still just talk. we need to walk our talk. i have found very few discussion groups like the God Pod (not blowing my horn, simply observing here) where we consciously promote action in the world at the same time as discussing and sharing.

i reiterate the call for a site wide action oriented daily focus, not to replace the more and more popular and successful Q and R that you are doing so well, but to complement it.

light and peace,


Marmalade : Gaia Child

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

Marmalade said Apr 8, 2008, 12:52 PM:

I wasn't planning on responding to this thread, but then Om has to jump in with more of her wise words. I have nothing to add. I just wanted to emphasize what Om said. Gaia serves a useful purpose, but it can't be everything for everyone. Gaia is just a format… limited in ways, but much more interesting than most of the formats going on via the web.

 Meenakshi : ~

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

Meenakshi said Apr 8, 2008, 8:29 PM:

Purpose of this ideal community? Both Kes and Zet have asked this. I”ll have to ponder. What I was thinking about when I wrote this, is an online community. I did think of Gaia. So perhaps I am happy to let the purpose be change?

Actually, I would say the purpose of this ideal community for me, is to provide a space that allows being, whichever way being happens….but that's for now. I'd love to read what it would be for others as well.

1Vector3 : "Relentless Wisdom"

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

1Vector3 said Apr 9, 2008, 4:24 AM:

The wisdom in your post, Siona, and in your longer post after that, Meenakshi, brings tears to my eyes….

So many new perspectives are being opened up here. It is making this ol' ET heart glow !!!!!

Zet White, so appreciate your contributions, too. I too, had thought about your doing your A&R via a new pod; it wouldn't be broadcast daily like the Q&R, but if you got enough folks involved, maybe it might become that. I like the idea because i am a Random Acts of Kindness & Senseless Acts of Beauty-type person, and lots of folks are, but lack creativity. Plus the more ideas are suggested, the more a person CAN spot opportunities on their own, eventually. There is learning involved.

Blessings, OM Bastet

 Meenakshi : ~

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

Meenakshi said Apr 9, 2008, 6:51 AM:

Siona–very true about discussions and conversation. Nicole, do check out the heailng and light pods on this site. The Power of Light, e.g. When we're not chatting, and none of my groups have lots of daily conversation, we're probably going about the actions that we can't always find time to write about!

I would really suggest a walkabout for anyone who is tired with their corner of Gaia. I did that, a few times, and have uncovered hidden gems, refreshing oases, and much that I must have been seeking to attract.

So…I do agree. There's a time to gather here and discuss our dreams and what we want from Gaia; and there are times to go wandering off. Taking action.

We'll find what we want. And if we don't, we can create it.

sandy : Activist and Ambassador

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

sandy said Apr 9, 2008, 6:58 AM:

My dream of an ideal community is to
create one that deeply cares about the
plight of other's and supports each and
everyone of them in their time of need.
The people of Tibet have been in need for
50 years -help them gain their freedom ,please?

Zephyr : Poeticspirit

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

Zephyr said Apr 9, 2008, 8:39 AM:

I really appreciate Zets position, why do we always see things just from humanities point of view. I think we need to strike a balance, not too much navel gazing and self advancement, we must remember service to the whole we are interdependent in a symbiotic relationship with all,and the planet, we must develop responsibility to all that is. Not too much love in action without careful consideration. Love is an action verb and I can understand youths impatience with us, for they have to live with the mistakes we have thoughtlessly created and we don't want to compound these mistakes with more. We should be guided by love and compassion and inclusive thinking not just for humanity but for all of the creatures insects trees and plants and our living planet, we are a small part of creation, it can live without us but we can't without it.

Nicole : wakingdreamer

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

Nicole said Apr 9, 2008, 12:00 PM:

Thanks, M, Sandy and Zephyr! I think we're all pretty much on the same page, just different emphases, perhaps?

Love and light,


sandy : Activist and Ambassador

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

sandy said Apr 9, 2008, 4:32 PM:

Yes Nicole -I think we pretty much on the same
page too -

Siona : Synchronicity Coordinator

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

Siona said Apr 10, 2008, 12:23 AM:

I think we're all pretty much on the same page, just different emphases, perhaps?

I think so, too… and I think that page has plenty of potential links in directions and into new realms for each of us. What's beautiful to me, though, is that we can know this shared space remains here for all. :)

 Meenakshi : ~

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

Meenakshi said Apr 9, 2008, 12:36 PM:

Nicole, thanks for this perspective. It is those different emphases that each of us places that make for the richness of community.

1Vector3 : "Relentless Wisdom"

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

1Vector3 said Apr 10, 2008, 12:37 AM:

Very interesting !!! Marmalade just started a complementary thread about “community” over in the Lounge.

The focus there so far is on what we each want community for, and what gives each of us a “sense of community.”

But the thread is barely started. I am cross-linking the two, for potential synergy. It's a topic of great interest to many of us, and overdue for good discussion here in the Gaia Community (at least as far as I am aware of. Haven't done a site search. Community is talked about often, but not really in the terms of this thread nor the other one.)

Blessings, OM Bastet

Zet White : Alive again

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

Zet White said Apr 11, 2008, 4:29 AM:

What a wonderful discussion! By the way, if I engage in “criticism” of Gaia, I hope you know it is not for the sake of ranting, but constructive criticism aimed at overall progress? Also, I know the position OM and Siona so beautifully explained, and if I didn't set my “holistic” nature aside for a while I'd follow the few initial posts in their message: “Good community is an INCLUSIVE community.”

The term “inclusive” is vague but I hope we all feel it has something to do with what Meenakshi and OM said here initially. (I just completed a project on social exclusion/inclusion/community, concluding that even though governments &co. keep pledging to promote community, they are in fact hyppocritically promoting individualism and consumerism.) Siona, you must have come across criticisms of Gaia in terms of “it is too pro-neutral, too New-Agey-inclined”, or something? The critics seem to say that people coming to discussions with their different view, perhaps radical, are “hushed down” by the prevailing (on Gaia) paradigm of “neutrality”. I wanted to comment of this here..

Look at most of the adds and discussions. Don't they seem to gravitate towards something? Gaia feels like a large zen-tearoom in most of its corners. And I think this is worth discussing, assuming I feel the trend correctly, which some emails to me already suggest that I do. Notice that I think it is specifically a zen tearoom, with the emphasis on “self-development”. OM and Siona, I surely agree with you about many discussions NOT being “navel-gasing” on Gaia. Many discussions are promoting deeper insight in people, greater awareness. Gaia is already doing a great job on this, which I rejoice for.

What I want to note is a “little bias” here, which I will try to uncover by browsing through the responses here.

Meenakshi: Gaia is not made up of a homogenous group of people. … but .. different perspectives…”

Roughly, here's a comparison. An expensive private school also has different people studying with different perspectives, it is not homogenous. Different races, professions, backgrounds. Some people there think it's good to have ten million, others believe ten billion is the best. Different perspectives? Yes. Complete picture? No. A poor student on who's back the other kids will end up making the money will hardly have a say, if even presence. Gaia is not “homogenous”, but we shouldn't forget that there are limitations and influences on the expressions of various kinds.

Meenakshi: “…not all members share the actions they do, outside Gaia, within Gaia. There are several reasons for that; as mundane as slow internet connections, as tough as difficulty in expression or as noble as not wanting to blow their own trumpet [though I wish they would!]”

Thanks for this Meenakshi, this is valuable to look at. Why do people feel like not blowing their own trumpet on Gaia? Plainly, shouldn't Gaia inspire people to actively talk about their good actions, so more aspects are uncovered and more people are inspired and better methods invented etc.? Perhaps too much “modesty” and “neutrality” in the “air” on Gaia (or some other reasons) are actually impeding the process? If people have difficulty in expression and slow connections, shouldn't Gaia work hard at making it easier and more welcoming for such people to share? I'm not saying Gaia fails to do it, I'm stressing its importance, perhaps over ease of use for people with fast connections? Right now if I went to Africa with some photojournalism in mind I doubt I'd be able to post on Gaia. And if even american users are confused with its infrastructure, what could we expect of native atcivists and visionaries from around the world?

Om Bastet (1Vector3): “…actions proceed from consciousness, so for me, my purpose is partly, to raise consciousness so that actions will flow naturally. Actions without the consciousness that makes them natural, authentic expressions of that consciousness, are not going to change the world, IMO.”

OM, thank you for this, and for everything you write. This is important because I think here you summarise what is commonsensual knowledge of Zaads/Gaia. As I was taught to dig out and analyse all “commonsense” and study its roots, here goes.

1. If actions proceed from consciousness, does that imply that consciousness NEVER proceeds from action, or that “consciousness from action” is WORSE than “action from consciousness”?

2. If (all?) actions without a certain (“level” of?) consciousness are UNNATURAL and not authentic expressions of consciousness, does that imply that all action is BAD unless it is legitimised by a possession of a specific, certain (level of?) “consciousness”?

3. If actions without a level of consciousness are not going to change the world, does that imply that it is more (only?) valuable to evaluate and improve (increase) the (level of?) consciousness rather than to evaluate and improve the level of action?

4. Finally, does this view subtly suggest that ALL (or most) who come to Gaia are:
a. at a (level of) consciousness too low for action, and are
b. having their main aim of increasing their (too low-level) consciousness, and
c. those few who have the proper (level of) consciousness will act naturally, assuming there is a possibility, and need neither impetus nor support/encouragement/promotion?

OM Bastet: “…Gaia's stated purpose, which is to (I am going from memory) facilitate and support people who want to change the world…”

And this is mirrored by Siona, I think, yes? Since Zaadz, from my memory, the message was to change the world through conscious capitalism, facilitation and support. This throws out cocaine dealers, arms traders and terrorists, because they are obviously not conscious, though they do “change the world”. But further from that, it seems to become hazy. Maybe it's time to “sit down” and explore a bit deeper the “purpose” of Gaia? OM, what do you see as a “Gaia with a unified voice”, and what are the limitations of this? What is wrong with someone from the Team noticing a common thread (eg. Tibet?), finding or creating a “Gaia Petition”, and mildly presenting it to all Gaia members to consider signing and/or discussing, or creating an “Action” page where such projects would be displayed/promoted? I'm not talking along the “Gaia Sux” line of thought, I know much is being done by the wonderful team. I'm asking if there is anything wrong ideologically with what I'm saying, and if there's not, “we activists” will feel better about knocking on people's doors.

Siona: “Gaia is a special (and, to my mind, quite rare) sort of a social networking site—one that honors and encourages deep dialogue and inner discovery, and that encourages encouragement and support and self-learning in a community of others committed to reflecting rather than reacting.”

Siona, I understand the usefulness of deep dialogue and inner discovery. It is useful to many. In view of my comments to OM above, do you see how this is worth developing? Imagine that Gaia succeeded at all that you posted about. I embraced self-learning and “learned” something. I had a deep dialogue and had an inner discovery. I didn't react (“mindlessly”) but have meditativevly reflected. What next? What conclusion would you expect me to arrive to by the end of this process (assuming there is at least an intermediate “end”)?

Yes, Gaia is an inclusive sanctuary for some, good. A zen-tearoom to learn zen, to feel included. Yes, better than fighting, taking drugs and watching TV. What about the other side of the “enlightenment” spectrum? I would eagerly read your thoughts on this.

Again, I want to bring to attention Meenakshi's comment later: “When we're not chatting, and none of my groups have lots of daily conversation, we're probably going about the actions that we can't always find time to write about!

Writing about action could involve others around the world and improve the quality of those actions. Is it that people don't have time to write about action (but enough to “chat”), or is there something else “going on”?

I'm just humbly suggeting this is worth digging. It seems like “Gaia shadow work”, in a way, to me.


Nicole : wakingdreamer

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

Nicole said Apr 11, 2008, 5:03 AM:

Zet White, I love you. You have once again brilliantly articulated many of my growing misgivings about Gaia, as much as I love the place and many of the people in it.

OM and Siona, and Meenakshi, and anyone else who is listening, really interested in hearing from you on what you think.

A few quick thoughts from me before i go for a little nap…

Yes, Gaia shadow work! I love that. I think we can ask ourselves some of these hard questions…

Since you spoke of blowing your own horn, I'd like to share something of my own life, not looking for praise but hoping to draw out others to share.

I run an afterschool math and reading program called Kumon, a worldwide franchise with over 4 million students in a number of countries. I have about two hundred and forty students and feel like it's a valuable contribution to the community.

Being a mother of three children is important to me too. I'm glad my older two are becoming independent and looking for unique ways they can be themselves and help others.

I participate actively in a number of online forums, including work related ones, seeking to motivate and encourage people.

I run the international association of Kumon franchisees and am trying to build a powerful network of associations so that we can have a constructive partnership with the company.

I set aside time every week to be with friends, go to church and through gaia and my other email friendship nurture friends and community.

Last but not least, I am very proud of my beloved God Pod (Is there a God?) here on gaia. After less than three months we are at 182 members, 260 threads, and 3845 posts. More importantly, we have built a strong and caring community which is a safe place for skeptics, doubters and believers of all kinds who are willing to interact in mutual respect and caring. Many of the posts are about issues in the world and actions we can take. Lots of room for philosophical discussion, room for laughter and fun, room for informal caring between friends, room to share our creativity and support each other in it. And we've only just begun…



1Vector3 : "Relentless Wisdom"

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

1Vector3 said Apr 12, 2008, 10:21 AM:

Yes, Nicole, thank you for sharing the importance of a balanced life. That's the main thing I got from your post, anyway (I'm sure there was more to get) and it certainly is an important aspect of our ideal community, that people don't so focus on the community that they become unbalanced human beings. OTOH Edison and Michaelangelo and DaVinci and Einstein and…. were probably unbalanced human beings. So while balance is good, specialization is also valuable to the community, to the Greater Whole of humankind.

Zet White, I look forward to having time to respond in detail to your important thoughts, and that time ain't now. But one quickie: I didn't write a book on the subject of my post. If I had, I would have been able to demonstrate that my views tend to avoid false alternatives [see previous paragraph,] and many of your questions seem to ask me whether I am engaging in such: If I see x perspective, do I also see y? The general answer is Yes.

And I am not always all-inclusive either. I am not afraid to leave out things that don't suit the purpose at hand, nor am I afraid to rank things for usefulness for the purpose at hand. Nor am I afraid to expand purposes !!! :)

I am, all-told, an obnoxiously precise and fine-detailed thinker who gravitates toward the Big Picture and toward fundamentals, as being the seat of causal efficacy. But without precision, all is (potentially) lost.

Thanks for the compliments, and the opportunity everyone is providing and using here, for us to expand our community perspectives for the ultimate purpose of co-creating this new world that's being birthed.

Back atcha later.

Namaste, OM Bastet

Nicole : wakingdreamer

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

Nicole said Apr 12, 2008, 4:05 PM:

thanks OM :)

Zet White : Alive again

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

Zet White said Apr 13, 2008, 2:56 AM:

Following the comments I've started a group aimed at action, as well as building up the “actions newsletter” (A&R) like the Q&R feature already on Gaia. Please take a look and share something you know or do. The Actions and Reactions group:
Thank you.

sandy : Activist and Ambassador

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

sandy said Apr 13, 2008, 3:00 AM:

hey Zet -there is plenty active action here too-
although I am thinking of merging it into


 Meenakshi : ~

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

Meenakshi said Apr 13, 2008, 9:14 AM:

Sandy, your idea of merging alerted me to another dream I have of an ideal community - of us to learn from each other, by sharing the process by which we make our decisions, or by which our dreams and desires emerge.

I hope you will share the process as it emerges on the thread where I've asked you some questions on the Mod Pod

 Meenakshi : ~

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

Meenakshi said Apr 13, 2008, 9:31 AM:

Zet, we dreamed separately, discussed together and now you've taken an action.

Can anything else show how important this kind of conversation is, for action?

[ BTW, this is meant to be a rhetorical question, but anyone is willing to take it as a discussion point!!!!]

Right, Siona? Abt the importance of discussion?

Nicole : wakingdreamer

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

Nicole said Apr 14, 2008, 10:17 AM:

Hi Meenakshi,

With the proviso that it was not the discussion per se that produced the action, rather an action-oriented person, Zet, who was involved in the discussion and looking for action, and seeing none was forthcoming from the leadership of the site decided to act himself.

So, in a way, it more perfectly illustrates the points that Zet and I have made :)

Glad to see you have already joined. I am looking forward to what we can do together through this new great initiative!



Zet White : Alive again

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

Zet White said Apr 14, 2008, 2:11 PM:

Meenakshi, Nicole, I would be much happier to have something like “Actions and Reactions” to be “site-leadership” created. I am no great leader or visionary or life-changing-projects leader or anything, I just felt like helping the Team and Gaia in this way. Even though the funding situation is now better than before (since Gaiam is now the “parent” company and we're not entirely adds-dependent..) I can still see that the Team is being too busy with other things. I try to throw in some ideas about what more could be done/improved, like the seeds system for example.

With the “activism” aspect of Gaia, which I think has great potential but is as yet underdeveloped, I'm personally doing the same thing - sharing ideas… I think Gaia would benefit from a newsletter suggesting activity, structured just like the successful “Questions and Reflections” feature. Basically, if Siona or someone else on the Team can lead it, I'd give away the “cultivatorship” of “Actions and Reactions” pod immediately. I'm not an activist, or at least didn't get a chance to be one yet.

Browsing through all the action-orientated, or at least action-mentioning, groups/pods… Many of the specifically action-directed ones lasted only a few months. I think if it should work it should be “official”. At least to some extent. I tried to make the pod's logo look “authentic” in a way, and the structure, but thats as far as I can go for now. There are great discussions in many different pods, I just thought there should be a central “Gaia-place” to get all the excellent ideas and actions together.

Nicole : wakingdreamer

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

Nicole said Apr 16, 2008, 8:27 PM:

Again, Zet, excellent points. People keep being disappointed by the Team not picking up on their suggestions, and it's one of the ways passionate people get disaffected and leave gaia. This is not a criticism of the Team, merely an observation.

light and peace,


 Meenakshi : ~

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

Meenakshi said Apr 16, 2008, 10:18 PM:

Zet, “I am no great leader or visionary or life-changing-projects leader or anything, I just felt like helping the Team and Gaia in this way.”

I have great hope that while “helping the team and Gaia”, you will find you have changed your view even of yourself! One of the greatest lessons from having lived 50 + years, and been a mom and teacher and trainer and manager [aahhh needing to give my background; bad!] is that the only way to really bring change and transformation is through one's own action. Not the actions of others. I see this happening daily.

Gaia is not about the management team, that needs to run this place smoothly and gently nudge it in particular directions; but about the flow of the river of its members.

At the same time, I agree with you and Kathy on another post, that there needs to be a bit of groups-promotion that is more efficient and embraces different groups. Again, a discussion that can be continued on the Mod Pod.

YOu'll see that even groups started by the team members are often self-run or even moderated by members. the team just can't do more than they are doing in the actual content and running of pods. I'd rather they be community-driven and team-promoted.

Zet White : Alive again

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

Zet White said Apr 16, 2008, 11:06 PM:

Meenakshi, Nicole, I guess we'll just see how things work out. I just noticed something quite funny. I read the name of the thread:

This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

and then my eyes suddenly got attracted to the very top of the page - the “name” of the window… See it? :) What a perfect answer to the question, don't you think? ;)

Nicole : wakingdreamer

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

Nicole said Apr 19, 2008, 3:45 AM:

LOL @ Zet! hugs!

 Meenakshi : ~

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

Meenakshi said Apr 13, 2008, 11:49 AM:

OOps–meant to write “anyone is welcome to …” not ” willing to.”

From this discussion I also realize that my dream of an ideal community is not an idealistic dream of an ideal community; but one that is as realizable as possible. One that is based on how people are, and not how I want/wish/hope them to be.

It accepts that people want to lend silent support, while others may be vocal opposers.
That some are willing to share verbally, and others draw me to expand into knowing them empathically; while still others may be blocking me from coming closer.

That is how I would like an ideal community to be: one, in which we grow inward as we seek to connect outward. [too busy today to see if I've written this earlier; bear with me].

And to some extent, we have to realize that an online community is a part of that larger ideal community; as it cannot be all-inclusive as my ideal community is.

~Kes : be cause

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

~Kes said Apr 15, 2008, 4:59 AM:

Wonderful golden thread of wisdom here. All of those who posted and just read this far – I want to announce – YOU ARE THE IDEAL! You have created the ideal dream scene where before this thread thing were not as apparent from the realized actuality that I see forming here. i would love a centralized place to know more about other pods - I don't know where to look but do join those I get invited to if I feel I can bring something of value. A newsletter once a month would be very cool with choices. Spiritual beings love choices!

I just wanted to acknowledge you guys and let you know you are being heard and are truly making a difference - at least with me. There are some that are great starters in any activity and some that are great maintainers to keep this game winning and expanding. I feel I am more of the maintainer type although if I have to lead I will do that from time to time to keep the ball moving forward.

I am honored to be a part of your groups and pods. You have taught me to be more visual when we deal so much in a white page with black letters. That has been my first hurdle! Write better!


1Vector3 : "Relentless Wisdom"

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

1Vector3 said Apr 16, 2008, 10:48 AM:

Hey, Kathy, I echo your sentiments and appreciate, too.

There is an overwhelming abundance of info about all the various Groups under the Groups tab at the top of our pages. Also there is a Group Search field you can plug any words into, and see what comes up.

For an indepth look at some of the pods, check out the Introductions Board at the Gaia Groups Community, aka The Mod Pod.

There is a lot to chew on in the above posts, and I am at this point too busy with both external and internal actions haha to engage as I would like, but the delicious feast awaits me….

Blessings, OM Bastet

 Meenakshi : ~

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

Meenakshi said May 1, 2008, 9:16 PM:

This is definitely a thread to be nominated for OM's Collective Wisdom: The Library for Community Threads

Please add to the tags there.

sandy : Activist and Ambassador

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

sandy said May 8, 2008, 1:05 AM:


sandy said 17 minutes ago: I have confirmation from the P.M's Office that my letter has been received and posted on the above news media link.' There is some Aid going in now -but still not the huge Foreign Aid assistance. I still say this is disgraceful and all Countries should just GO IN ANYWAY. How many more have to die before the World wakes up to itself???



you may copy this post if you wish -or do youre' own lobbying -
I have this amongst all my Networks now -and will work on tonight.
-who is hoping AUSTRALIA will take the initiative and move
our Troops out of the War Zones and into PEACEKEEPING
and saving lives -as many more will DIE if we don't.

Kyle : Friend of Progress and Revolution

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

Kyle said May 17, 2008, 8:21 PM:

I'll try to add what you have already not said but it is hard since you've so amazingly captured the essence of it.

Integration with Individuality: where everyone thinks and helps each other, acting as a whole while keeping all of their own selves, everyone melded together into a community without losing or giving up anything of their true self.

Pure honesty and openness: where no one is afraid of embaressement or rejection, everyone can be completely honest with anyone else and share their thoughts and ideas, and in return they would be listened to, and truthfully responded to as well. Lies would not exist since forgiveness and love would be rampant.

More of an ideal world view

Harmony with all, with nature, other humans, and technology. Where it all works together to complement one another. No one part would harm another but instead work with and improve each other.

~Kes : be cause

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

~Kes said May 18, 2008, 5:25 AM:

Reading all of these posts has helped immensely and I find this of value.

I was off helping on survivor things for Tibet, Myranmar, China and the US midwest and found more people on Gaia that really step forward and confront the world chaos helping to bring calm to a troubled world.

Power of Light Pod was a great help shining the way to spearhead to many other pods so thanks for being the ideal beacon when we all needed it. We have all culminated on many blogs and pods.

I got an e mail from a woman that told me she was too shy to write before. She asked if there was a table of contents so people could find her blogs. I said I would post here and get back as i am not certain how the mechanics of finding blogs that are on the various subjects such as the recent disasters we are contributing in would be. If there is a way to search these out I would be happy to let people know of a way to find these things.

Bottom line, would it be ideal to have a contents of the day or should we let people know how to put in TAGS?


sandy : Activist and Ambassador

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

sandy said May 18, 2008, 5:56 AM:

I think the growth of Gaia is the making of a dream community -
and it is MY dream that we all ,also unite in Global Peace ..

1Vector3 : "Relentless Wisdom"

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

1Vector3 said May 20, 2008, 12:04 AM:

Hi Kathy, this might be a little off-topic for this thread, but a great illustration of how the different areas of knowledge among community members are so synergistic, so maybe not off-topic at all !!!!

There is not to my knowledge any “table of contents” for blogs, nor, sadly, is there a complete listing of all the tags. Only the most popular blog tags. So the best advice is for people to give each blog entry lots of tags, and make sure some of the most popular ones are included.

So yes, people must learn how to tag their blogs. A “content of the day” list might be keyed to that. If you work out a plan, do post it in Thinktank pod/Group !!

I don't know whether there is a search all blogs function, I'm pretty sure NOT, but there is definitely a site-search function that I am certain includes blogs; it is at the top of every site page. So whatever content one is looking for, can be searched for there, and blogs will come up, as well as other kinds of entries. Try a site search for Myanmar cyclone, or Myanmar tornado, or Myanmar disaster, and see what comes up !!!

Blessings, OM Bastet

~Kes : be cause

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

~Kes said May 20, 2008, 7:19 AM:

Thanks I took your advise and learned more about Tags. That is the solution to a lot of people blogging. The community flag at the top left of our pages listed what the top tags were and the statistic of how many posts are under a specific tag name. I will check out the think tank too. Brilliant!

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

cHAngeL [no longer around] said Sep 20, 2008, 6:15 AM:

My dream is for the children :)

Antonio : catalyst

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

Antonio said Aug 24, 2009, 7:01 PM:

For Gaia, A fabulous way of doing things and discussing our dreams to change the world and create ideal communities would be to make a mock election type system so as to count the number of positive responses to a topic/vision people have. There could be a due date to respond to a post every so often which would give us the ability to spread the word, cast and tally votes.

Nicole : wakingdreamer

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

Nicole said Aug 25, 2009, 2:57 AM:

Interesting idea, Antonio. Wonder if it would draw the lurkers in?

Zephyr : Poeticspirit

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

Zephyr said Aug 25, 2009, 5:12 AM:

Mmmn, interesting but not sure how that would work, usually change comes from outriders, visionaries, mavericks, often seen as weird in their own generation but becoming the norm in the next and following generations. While it sounds democratic a voting system could turn out like something designed by committee!!!
It could be a good idea when controversial changes are proposed, to find majority view.

1Vector3 : "Relentless Wisdom"

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

1Vector3 said Aug 25, 2009, 11:15 AM:

Interesting idea, Antonio. Feel free to start it going!
Blessings, OM Bastet

Antonio : catalyst

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

Antonio said Sep 3, 2009, 5:22 PM:

Well, I hear there is a position available in the Gaia community for administrators. That could be a start. Thanks for your interest. There has got to be some identity in the profiles of people that would indicate an a genuine person behind the wheel.”>name=”allowFullScreen” value=”true”>” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” allowscriptaccess=”always” allowfullscreen=”true” width=”425” height=”344”>

1Vector3 : "Relentless Wisdom"

Re: This is MY dream of an ideal community- and yours?

1Vector3 said Sep 4, 2009, 5:42 AM:

There is certainly a lot that has been written about the people behind the wheel, but perhaps not labelled for easy finding. The owner of all the Gaia/m endeavors is Jirka, I forget his last name. And Siona is the Director of our Gaia Community. They are extremely genuine people, haha!!!

Blessings, OM Bastet